Wednesday, November 28, 2012

When is enough, enough?

I keep asking myself how long I will need to get through this emotional shitsandwich situation. Because I understand that I am responsibile for my current reality. I know that by fighting all of my common sense, i have possibly cause irrepriable damage to my family and to myself.

My knee will get better in time. Its a temporary pain. One that I can and will work through. But my heart is another story. It'd my theory that my heart is dying. The more I try to let go of the past, the less the present and future matter any more. My heart slows. It creaks and heaves like an old house. Supported only by ghosts of love and hopes of reconciliation. And the moment I let go of those things, it will cease to exist. Love will go back to being another silly fairy tale we talk ourselves into believing. An imaginary delight not a realistic possibility in my lifetime.
I feel it already begining. The return to a jaded abyss. The place where cynicism is the official language. Numbness is the every day forcast. I feel it happening and there is nothing i can do to stop it.

And there lies the source of the problem. Him. The one person i really truly allowed myself to fully love. The one I married because I couldn't imagine life without him. The only person I ever believed could/did accept me flaws and all. As much as he tries to convince me of how horrible I was to him, I can't see it. Maybe because its me analyzing myself. Maybe because he's making mountains out of molehills. I know comparitively there is no contest. I don't hold a candle to his inferno of hurtful actions and manipulation against me over the past 5 years. Yet even asbhe continues, I still want to fight for us. Fight against his psychology that there is no repairing the damage done. I don't believe that. Because thats not what marriage is. Thats not the vow I took. Thats not who I am. And I'm not  able to move on to some next person and start life over again with them. Thats not the deal I signed on for. I wish he knew that. I wish he believed it too. I wish we weren't so comfortable in perpetuating these barbed wired cycles of broken homes and hearts. I want better foe our children. So why can't we give it to them?

Lesson time!

Dear Saturn,
Its been a long while since i've written. For no good reason i have been keeping myself silent.  For more then a month,  i have remained silent. And for what? There's no progress in that.  Atleast not for someone who is a writer. I have used  writing all my life to get through things, so why should i stop now? Does it matter that much what someone else thinks? If someone in my life feels the need to begin arguments and berate/belittle me for every word i've ever written, should it make a difference? If it means i muffle my own expression, is it really the right choice to make? The answer to these questions is what brought me back to writing.
As this chapter of my life ends, all i feel is pain. In every conceivablr way, from emotionally to physically, i feel pain. My spirit feels as if it is on fire. Ablaze in flames that can only be quashed with blood & tears. Before i reach my 30th year, i am sure i will have shed a bit of both. Despite all the positive energy i can muster, i know this as a fact. I am finally okay with that.
Last week i found the pleasure in the pain. I learned that i can take it, no matter how bad it gets. I can take it. I will take it because at the end of this whole thing, i will shine. I will have become the spiritual equivalent of a diamond. I will be too strong to ever break again. My enemies and those who see me as theirs, will be exposed as fools when they come against me with their hate filled actions.
I will not deter from my purpose. In this last year of my 20's, i have learned my purpose. Its the reason behind choosing to follow my bliss and not be controlled by what debts we have. They will be there. What won't be there is another chance to see my children at the beginnnings of who they are becomming. I am so so happy that now when i go to PTC's or talk on the phone to his teachers, i actually have input of value to offer. I'm not having to try to not look lost when talking about my own children. I know them and they know me. I have time to spend with them, not be dozing off between yellings. I laugh, play, and read with them. I get to enjoy my children; every single day i am apart of their day.
I am renewing my personal commitment  to not miss one day. Even if its just for a 15 min visit, i need to be apart of their every day. The thing i am greatful for, is that they are now both old enough to know that i don't want to leave. I am accepting of this situation but by no means satisfied with it. It is what it is until it isn't any more. This work will pay off; so i continue to do it.
Love & Light,

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

I'm s hobbling around on this crutch. Baby father is acting like a (insert adjective of choice here).  Job is picking up (so happily i won't be camera-less much longer). And my next show is right around the corner. As well as the need to finish pieces for an upcoming gallery show i'm features in. Not to mention, the holidays coming up.  Whooo!

Just writing that paragraph made my brain freak out just a bit. It seems my Saturn is a jokester. The better my professional life, the worse my personal life. I came to this conclusion after deep reflection on the first half of my saturn. Now that i am exactly 29 & 1/2 years old, i am at the turning point. That place where you can see where you went wrong by refusing to accept the reality of the your Saturn's lessons.

Earlier this year, i was ready to not be with J for a while, but i realize i didn't equate it with divorce because from the outlook of a marriage, this was just one of those bad times we go through. Something we would get through. But i was wrong. Like so many other times i had hope, i was wrong. We're getting divorced. For real. At first i was upset, so furious over the culmination of crap happening simulatneously that i lashed out in anger. I was losing the only stability in my life, the one person/relationship i could depend on, losing my family, lost my money maker, lost my home, and temporarily the use of my leg. Instead of allowing myself to begin the healing process, i just dug into the wound. Caused more pain on top of it, only to end up hurting myself again. And now he's trying to use that hurt against me by suing for full custody of our children, only allowing me supervised visitation rights. As if it is a necessary action. He defends it like a constitutional right. As if without this ridiculousness I'd ever be callous enough to keep our kids from him. Why would I relive history when my purpose is to rewrite it?