Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fuck it type of day

It began sweetly, with a song of joy in their eyes.. Laughter intoxicating the thick summer air. We were a family for just a moment.. And then as all days, the kids slip into mini-coma naps and it all falls apart.
He talks of respect? Really? I disrespect him with what I do when we are separated? Separated? Interesting. So the fact that we are separated does not stop him from picking up my unlcoked phone to snoop around for some shit he already knew about because he sent it to himself a week ago. Meanwhile I don't snoop through his shit. I have no desire to know. I have no desire to go looking for a reason to be mad bnecause I'm sure I'd find one. Even if I wanted to I couldn't cause he's so "cautious with the kids" that he keeps everything locked anyway. But suzy slow is supposed to be my name I guess. All this over a picture. A picture sent to someone I haven't slept with, never see because they live in maryland now, and I have no intention of sleeping with. He takes offense because the receiver is a man and I am topless.. I see where he's coming from but really? I fuckin sunbathe topless, wtf? I still have yet to receive an apology for him trading naked pics with a woman he kissed & constantly chatted with while I was 6 months pregnant with our 2nd child and living together. But that's how shit changes when you're married. What was ok for one at one time is now not ok for the other. And its fine because I've resolved to just be at peace with it all. I will not indulge conversation about shit that irks him just because he wants to fight. We're not together.
Another thing about respect, since sent himself this pic a week ago, why wait until now when I'm about to walk out the door for work? Poor timing? You couldn't pick up a phone, send a text/email about that shit? Of course not, that would have been preferable for me. And I already know his stance on that.
Yay! Over it!
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