That is the question. If that is indeed what I want? OR is it just an accurate assumpion of my future? Considering my life often seems like a tv sitrama (sitcom/drama). I live a fabulous artlife that includes and incorporates my family. I am already beyond blessed with what i have, even if I have little money. Could it really hurt to be rich, if I'm already feeling famous? I feel secure enough in who I am to know that when I am rich, everyone around me reaps the benefit. So why not welcome it?
With the way spirit has been working in my life, I fear it may be inevitible that I become rich & famous. The thought of that senario, puts my stomach in knots; In a good way. As does everything I pursue in life these days. I'm constantly terrified of the repercussions of my actions. As if any single poem, song, creative movement performance I do or photograph I take has the potential to catapult me into an echelon I am unsure if I am ready for. I know I am up for the challenges I am being given. I possess an enthusiastic curiousity and excitement for this unknown path I walk. As if the deeper I divet i to my art, the more I heal, the more I am discovering about myself, the more I am questioning and scrutinizing myself.
I can't accurately describe in words what I feel happening to me. Its as if my cells are awakening. My skin tingles and my stomach knots but when I embrace that fear, complete whatever task/trial, I feel lighter. My skin floats. I literally glow from inside.
This week has beeb a big deal to me. From my pov, its been a sneak peek into what my life would be like one day. Monday I was in an impropmtu recording session with an artist I respect. I've been shooting him for some of his upcoming album work. Tuesday night a building session with some powerful young poetry moguls. Weds night was Drink & Draw, unexpectedly I am interviewed by a reporter from Brooklyn Ink mag. She even videoed some of my poetry.. Thursday night, epic! As usual. Art Kartel + The Lesson, renewed my spirit. Today I had a wonderful quick shoot with the lovely Kaitera of circaphoto for my Spring show, its not even 6pm yet and I'm feeling like a rockstar.
Whats best about this week, I have spent every evening with my children beforehand.
Today is Friday. The single day when I had absolutely no plans. So after work, I'm going home to clean & create. Next week is going to be a big week, I think.
Love & Light,
C. Joi Sanchez
www.jsanschez.wordpress com
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