Not so recently ago, I decided I was done with trying to conform to the standards of beauty set out for black women in this society and embrace my natural hair. after a fantasic gift of homemade flaxseed gel from my home girl P (, I allowed my fade to continue to grow out past its fledgling afro stage instead of getting another hair cut. Now i'm on a journey to get a Pam Grier fro.
So now that im stuck in Vegas, with no money to call my own, I have the opportunity to dive into creating my own recipies for hair care. Today's challenge is conditioning. I visited many a website advising what the best ingredients are for DIY conditioners. I made some substitutions since I dont have any essential oils to work with. Here's the recipe:
Approx half cup water to a boil, 3 vitamin c tabs, 3 vitamin d tabs, 2 vitamin b1 tabs, 2 teaspoons lemon juic or extract, 2 mashed garlic cloves, teaspoon olive oil, the oil from 5 fish oil caplets, and two teaspoons honey. Combine all ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil. Then in a bowl whisk strained boiling contents into 4 tablespoons of mayonaise. Add mixture to a smooth (not thin) consistancy. If it begins to be too thin, add more mayonaise to thicken into a paste like consistancy. Cover hair entirely after shampooing.
At this point let it sit on your hair for at least 10 minutes. You can comb it through with a detangling comb if you choose (i prefer to comb through after washing).
Important note: when washing out the conditioner, make sure to thoroughly wash hair. I reccommend at least 7 minutes under mildly hot water to help melt out whatever you fail to scrub out.
After washing, I combed through my hair with a detaingling spray (also homemade). I gotta admit, I kinda cheated on the spray. I combined a cup of boiling hot water with 1/4 cup of suave lavender conditioner and half a cup of melted shea butter. My hair dries quickly, so this was really wonderfully helpful when combing through my sectioned hair.
Is there any difference?
I will say yes. Immediately after washing, I noticed a definite shine that I didnt have before. My curls were well defined and soft. Aside from the dryness, it was a nice switch from the norm. I aslo reccommend that you wash you hair out during a shower because wearning a shirt that smells like mayo is no bueno.
Good luck to you on your natural hair adventures!
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