I am so fucking over it, done and through with it.. Idk who people think I am but trust I've go no need for this shit.. These people dictating the when where & how I will live because "kids shouldn't be raised that way" but who the fuck are they to say how our lives should be? And when the fuck did you advance enough to have rights over me & my body
And my soul?
Since when did money make you sovereign over this queendom?
No one walking this earth is perfect
And I'm sure if we open up your closet, we'll find a little boy or two
So what the fuck is it to you who I'm coming home to?
Or how many mommys my child has?
I look around this place I was raised in and get sad at the inequality
Like its ok for me to marry for money and not love as long as its an xx/xy connection
But the minute a man give another man an erection
We start using discretion
Start ad campaigns about using protection but teach abstinence only in schools
We'd rather raise the next generation to be fools
Then to educate them towards better choices
We need to teach the youth the power of their voices
Tell them its ok to push, to rebel, to change the world
to let their opinions be known
to push against the social norms..
Know that what they think is a minority is really the majority
And numbers make a difference
We can be more devastating than an avalanche
An make people listen
But fisrt you must stand up
So the world knows you do give a fuck.
-J Sans Chez
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