Monday, March 11, 2013

Self vs. Self

Currently, I am writing while listening to the latest episode of "The Good Wife". My kids are not sleeping upstairs in my room. I wish they were more like childhood me, able to fill their adult-less time with imagination, stories, toys. I sit here knowing that they just want me. And yet here I sit, unable to lay with them in peace. Its as if my mind has been electrified. The thoughts don't stop rolling.. They just keep coming and going, like fleeting winds. I had hoped to grab hold of the momentary inspirations only to be interrupted. And nowa self imposed distraction just to get the words flowing because I may be regressing.

I feel as if I am weathering a storm in a life preserver. Yielding to the ebb & flow of the ocean waves. Its calming.  And then the sky darkens and the waves crash. While I'm thrashed between waves and wind, My jacket keeps me afloat.

I keep having this dream that one day I will be somebody.. Not as if  I am not somebody. (everyone is) I mean it in a societal changing way. I just have to continue to learn precisely how that will happen. I want to go back to school. Fill a personal goal that has been weighing on me the more I delve into myself & art. Its inspiring, waking up everyday to do the very thing that terrifies you. Sometimes I wonder if the path I am walking or choosing to walk is the "right" one. I think its right for me, but how will it shape and mold my children? Am I being selfish by calming manic thoughts instead of laying in bed with my loves?

I wonder.

Friday, March 1, 2013

More to the story

If you know me, you know I'm a huge admirer if tattoos. For as long as I can remember, I have been a fan. I have craved to adorn the walls of my temple  with mounds of beautiful art. Art that will last like the hyroglyphics of Ancient Egypt, telling my story for millenia to come.

I actually have this twisted stipulation in my will that after my death, I'd like my skin to be removed from my body and preserved in glass. I know, i know.. It sounds disgusting BUT I think its possibly the best way for anyone to actually know me. Know my story. Read my history like a human tapestry.

See I believe that tattoos should hold meaning or tell a story. There should be a reason for the person to have chosen to stain their skin with the memory forever. Aside from my first one at 15 & 1/2, I haven't added one without considering what part it tells in the story of my life. And even that one had some meaning at the time.

This week I added two more to the tapestry. I only intended to get one. The one I paid for. But when you're friends with a tattoo artist and you #tat4fun, a freebie is always a welcome gift. Especially as it contributes to the construction of a larger piece in general. A part of the same story.

The heart on my wrist is representative of who I am becomming. The syncronicity of life is pushing me into music. It is in the art of song & poetry that I am finding my voice. Healing the past wounds to my heart.

The hummingbird is full of music and connected to the initials of my children. When I saw the sketch that Angel had done, I was mesmorized. I instantly felt connected to it. It reminded me of the zeal my children have for life. They're like little hummingbirds, with their non stop energy and musical enthusiasm. They constantly inspired and encourage me. They also validate everything I have been working towards. I found it fitting for those who lift me up.

So happily I celebrate my 7th & 8th additions.

Love & Light,

C. Joi Sanchez
www.jsanschez.wordpress com

To be rich and famous?

That is the question. If that is indeed what I  want? OR is it just an accurate assumpion of my future? Considering my life often seems like a tv sitrama (sitcom/drama). I live a fabulous artlife that includes and incorporates my family. I am already beyond blessed with what i have, even if I have little money. Could it really hurt to be rich, if I'm already feeling famous?  I feel secure enough in who I am to know that when I am rich, everyone around me reaps the benefit. So why not welcome  it?

With the way spirit has been working in my life, I fear it may be inevitible that I become rich & famous. The thought of that senario, puts my stomach in knots; In a good way. As does everything I pursue in life these days. I'm constantly terrified of the repercussions of my actions. As if any single poem, song, creative movement performance I do or photograph I take has the potential to catapult me into an echelon I am unsure if I am ready for. I know I am up for the challenges I am being given. I possess an  enthusiastic curiousity and excitement for this unknown path I walk. As if the deeper I divet i to my art, the more I heal, the more I am discovering about myself, the more I am questioning and scrutinizing myself.

I can't accurately describe in words what I feel happening to me. Its as if my cells are awakening. My skin tingles and my stomach knots but when I embrace that fear, complete whatever task/trial, I feel lighter. My skin floats. I literally glow from inside.

This week has beeb a big deal to me. From my pov, its been a sneak peek into what my life would be like one day. Monday I was in an impropmtu recording session with an artist I respect. I've been shooting him for some of his upcoming album work. Tuesday night a building session with some powerful young poetry moguls. Weds night was Drink & Draw, unexpectedly I am interviewed by a reporter from Brooklyn Ink mag. She even videoed some of my poetry.. Thursday night, epic! As usual. Art Kartel + The Lesson, renewed my spirit. Today I had a wonderful quick shoot with the lovely Kaitera of circaphoto for my Spring show, its not even 6pm yet and I'm feeling like a rockstar.
Whats best about this week, I have spent every evening with my children beforehand.

Today is Friday. The single day when I had absolutely no plans. So after work, I'm going home to clean & create. Next week is going to be a big week, I think.

Love & Light,

C. Joi Sanchez
www.jsanschez.wordpress com