I often sit in the windows of stores I can't afford to shop in and wonder what it'd be like to be rich
To be able to walk through the street without my stomach rumbling from the smell of foods I can't pay for
To be able to pay the cable bill, gas bill, electric bill, rent, telephone, car note out the same check and still be able to shop..
To be able to take my children to a movie or museum or some other overpriced educational fun place and not make up an adventure in the park or city streets
To take the train by choice not necessity
To take a lover home and not hope my electricity has been turned off
To get my degree without the burden of working half my life paying it back.
To be treated with respect even when dressed like a bum, cause they know my wrinkled shirt was designed that way and costs me $700..
To have people look my in the eye rather than head to toe before addressing me
But then
I think of the loneliness,
The paranoia,
and obligation often attached to that life style. And take stock of the genuine friends I have.
The faithful supportive family.
The countles
s generosities I've encountered.
The beauty of life I intake walking through the park.
The creative adventurous inquisitive spirit I will have instilled in my children.
The smiles & laughter I share on a daily basis.
the warmth of my heart.
And decided my wealth knows no bounds. Because I'm a dreamer.
And as long as I have my dreams I'll never be broke nor broken.
-j sans chez
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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